Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hooray for Nature!

We got some amazing news this morning from Spark Awards, an international design competition based out of the Bay Area—we won Bronze for the planter design! Woohoo! Design Night was recognized along with many heavyweights including IDEO, fuseproject and Smart Design. Not bad for a side project. Great job, Dominic!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fall in Portland

There are beautiful hues in the hills and streets of Portland right now. During a walk in Forest Park with Ruby, we shot some photos using Shake It Photo, an app that makes photos look like Polaroids. It even shakes to "develop" the pictures!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Man Shops Globe

Last night, Dominic and I caught the first episode of Man Shops Globe on iTunes. I passionately love Anthropologie and loved how the show gave a little insight on the stores brand. You know what was my favorite component of the show? The gorgeous video promo that Stefanie Augustine and Adam Gault put together (Googled it). I love the cut out texures, hand drawn/cut illustrations and rough animation. Simply beautiful! I have my eyes set on one of those rich-colored, felt throws that is in the second frame.